
Out of Loss and Sorrow Comes Hope

The loss of someone precious is such a cutting and bitter feeling. You feel adrift with no bearing of where you are nor where to go. Today’s Gospel (John 20:11-18) depicts the emotion of Mary Magdalene’s sense of sorrow and loss. John tells us that Mary stayed outside Christ’s tomb and wept because she discovered that Christ was gone from His tomb. She immediately thought that “they” had taken his body to an unknown place.

Then a tender exchange happens between the Risen Christ and His beloved friend. He calls out her name, “Mary!” She immediately recognizes the Lord’s voice. This little scene has always reminded me of this Gospel passage:  “My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

Mary Magdalene stopped her weeping. And, hearing the voice of Jesus gave her the courage to return to the disciples and announce, “I have seen the Lord” and report what Our Lord had told her.

Yes, even during our times of  great sadness and deep pain, the Good Shepherd calls us by our name to give us comfort and lessen those feelings of aimless existence. His loving voice calms our hearts because we know that we are not alone.

Oh, Risen Savior, help us hear Your voice. Send us the courage to fulfill Your commands.



Scipione Pulzone | Mary Magdalene at the Tomb


Featured Image: Scipione Pulzone. (1570/1573). Mary Magdalene at the Tomb [oil on canvas]. Fondazione Cariplo, Milan, Italy.

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