Memorial Day reflection

Half-staff-etiquette-for-memorial-dayToday is an important secular holiday – Memorial Day. Although you hear people say that today marks the beginning of Summer, it means more than grilling and ice cream. No, today is a very serious day – we stop to remember and honor those men and women who lost their lives in countless battles for our freedom and our country’s honor.

catholic marine chaplain iraq

I can only imagine the horror, noise, fear and gore that so many soldiers have had to confront. But, I have often thought that our Catholic military chaplains are harbingers of God’s love. In the midst of chaos, their presence reminds the warriors of God’s love for them. These chaplains go into battle alongside the warriors not with weapons, but with a desire to bring Christ’s peace to the wounded and dying. Yes, these men are special priests called to minister in extraordinary circumstances, “to bring grace in the midst of battle”. You can view pictures of military chaplains during various times from the Civil War to the recent conflicts here.

Let us pray:

Dear God, on this day we remember the sacrifices made for us by those who were willing to give their lives to ensure that our own would be spent in freedom. Let us never forget to pray, not only for the dead, but also for those still living and working in the cause of freedom around the world. As we celebrate and enjoy this time, give comfortOn the Battlefield and grace to those men and women who have sacrificed so much for our sake.

St. Martin, St. George and St. Joan of Arc: pray for the protection of our soldiers in their efforts, and bring them home safely at the end of their duties wherever that home may be. Amen. Source:  St. Florian Roman Catholic Parish

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