The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Why do we celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist on June 24? One reason is June 24 is one of the longest and brightest days of the year. This symbolizes what Jesus said about John:  “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has risen no one greater than John the Baptist.” (Mt.11:12)

After June 24, the days start getting shorter and shorter until late December, when at around the time we celebrate Christ’s birth, the days start getting longer and longer. And, this symbolizes what John said of Jesus:  “He must increase, while I must decrease.” (Jn 3:30)

Father John Cameron, O.P. wrote that this feast day is a sacred reminder of several facts that we need to be reminded everyday. Father wrote:

“Someone who models for me that there is no greater joy in my life than for Jesus to increase and for me to decrease, especially as regards to my self-reliance , my self-assertion, my self-importance….”

As this year’s day grow shorter, let’s look for ways on how we can tame and diminish our egos so that the Light of World can increase through our words and deeds.



Painting:  Gentileschi, Artemisia. The Nativity of John the Baptist. 1635. Oil on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid.



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